sobota, 6 grudnia 2014

Physical activity and diet

World Health Organisation (WHO) defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. But what influences health? It is assumed that the most important factor that affects our health is lifestyle, then physical environment, genetic predisposition and healthcare services. The most significant constituents of the lifestyle are: rational, balanced diet and physical activity. 

It is commonly believed that diet is some sort of agenda telling us what to eat and in what amount in order to lose weight. Due to that, ‘diet’ is very pejorative word with negative connotation. Everybody hearing the word,  imagine enormous sacrifice. Meanwhile, ‘diet’ means customary kind of nutrition in particular society and culture. Restricting the meaning of the word only to slimming diet is incorrect. 

Second constituent of our lifestyle is physical activity. It is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure. Physical activity is a factor that strongly influences our health. The presence of physical activity and its amount in our everyday life will have a profound effect on the functioning of our body and its vulnerability to the so-called lifestyle diseases such as: diabetes, obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases etc. To put it bluntly, sedentary lifestyle causes many different diseases.

Physical activity must be pursued self-consciously and  it should be based on the care for your body. Significant here is the ability to organise and spend your time with the benefits for your mental and physical health. Physical recreation fosters relaxation and body regeneration. It is a pleasurable way of spending our free time. For majority of people physical activity takes form of physical recreation.

The influence of physical activity and diet on health and  body functioning is enormously significant. I invite you to follow my blog, where I will present many detailed articles on this subject matter.

Photos come from

MA Rafał Bytomski
MA Anna Spalik-Bytomska